The Vision

Fit to be Application

Her wish is to go to the gym and get trained by a personal trainer but it costs both her money and her precious free time. As a working woman, she has to focus not only on shaping the body but on building a healthy mindset.

To overcome above challenges, our partner wanted to create a comprehensive and out-of-the-box solution, especially for women, which goes far beyond the standard offer of conventional home workout courses. Using a unique approach of building a healthy mindset and philosophy, our partner aims to enable women to reach and hold their dream bodies.

Our IT Solution provides tailor-made training programs paired with bear-sized challenges for the body, and mind, and a personal coach called Honey Bee that guides users to their success. The approach is more guided than other Apps where you select your own plans and customize everything, which may not produce the desired results.

Read more about how we transform the unique masterpiece into a beautiful and engaging IT Solution.

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Our Solution

Fit to Bee shapes not just your body, but your mind.

Fit to Bee is a mobile application that absolutely fits for fitness-conscious, busy women, and women who can’t afford personal trainer fees. To get in Fit to Bee, you just need to walk through a simple sign-in and registration process via social login.

Depending on your fitness goals, the coach Honey Bee will guide and motivate you to reach your goal. A new challenge awaits you every day to strengthen your healthy mindset. The coach provides an ideal training plan but you can freely perform your workout at any time. You can extend specific training plans in case you become sick.

To keep track of your activities, you can view your completed, live, and upcoming workout statistics. As a motivational coach Honey Bee guides you with inspirational quotes and gently reminders to reach your next honey level successfully. Each time you complete a workout or challenge, you fill out 1 of 14 honeycombs - once all 14 complete you will level up. The admin can remotely manage users' data, update training plans & workout and challenges.

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Main Features


Onboarding And Goal Setting In Fit To Bee

Fit to Bee App is more than a fitness application for women and has an aesthetic theme of the Honey Bee. It onboards the users with motivation and shows how being healthy and fit is easy with the application. Users can skip the onboard process if they wish and can directly come to the sign-in screen.

Users can use their Google, Apple, or Facebook accounts for sign-in to easily and quickly access the Fit to Bee App without having to create an account. Users can fill out personal information such as their height, weight, age, fitness goal, and activities (body plan) to receive personalized training plans. Users can subscribe to the Fit to Bee plan or take advantage of the 7-day free trial.


Training Plans Management

Using Fit to Bee App, users receive a road map for a training plan and weekly workouts. Based on fitness metrics, users receive a personalized training plan that consists of active workouts and short, quick, and motivating workouts.

A user can split the workout plan into a main and secondary plan. Fit to Bee allows users to extend their training plans.

Each training cycle/set is repeated and interrupted by breaks. After completing a set, a break begins. After a break, users can manually continue. "Pause/Resume Workout" and "End Workout" options are available between exercises.


Daily/Weekly Challenges

The weekly challenges are designed to help users achieve their fitness goals and build a healthy and sustainable mindset.

Daily challenges allow users to have two types of challenges each week. The first type of challenge has a seven-day goal, such as running 20 km. Second, the user must actively mark as completed each day's goal, such as drinking one glass of water. Based on that, a honeycomb can be filled.

It is possible for users to download the detailed PDF of the challenge they have accepted and find every detail regarding it.

Upon completing a challenge, Honey Bee fills the honeycombs and increases their level.

In a nutshell, the daily/weekly challenges help users to build the required mindset about living healthy, focusing on our goals, etc.


Smart Notifications

There are just a few gentle reminders to make sure users don't miss out on something healthy.

  • Every day a new challenge is assigned.
  • There is a reminder time for a challenge if it has not been completed.
  • In case there is something to do today, a workout reminder will be sent.
  • Notifications are adjustable so they don’t become annoying for users.

Notifications are adjustable so they don’t become annoying for users.


Honey sweet animations/theme

In accordance with the Honey Bee theme, we designed the custom, high-quality and engaging honey-sweet animations for displaying notifications and pop-up messages like warning, an error message, honeycomb filling, challenge completion, honeycomb level achievements, and no internet connection.

Feature Overview

Fit to Bee onboarding
User profile management
Training plans management
Fitness challenges
Push notifications
In-App purchase
API development and server

Tech Stack

We are listening to our customers and thrive to cover all open questions and demystify software development processes and technologies behind it. Enjoy exploring some of the topics in our blog categories below.

Native Development Android (Kotlin), IOS (Swift)

Native App Development is the creation of software programs that run on specific devices and platforms. You can build beautiful native apps for target devices-smartphones.

Back-End Framework, Logic, Server

Nodejs was used for the backend. The NodeJS open-source program provides Cross-Platform access, real-time communications, and a single programming language. We used MongoDB as our database. With such a small footprint, it can control and coordinate deeply embedded apps in huge warehouses with a great amount of data. We developed the API logic to retrieve data for workout tutorials, workout plans, challenges, assigning challenges to users, and managing membership, and diet plans.

Social Login

Social Login is single sign-on for end users. To eliminate the need to create a new account manually, we have integrated Google, Apple, and Facebook logins that utilize the existing login information of the social network provider and create a new account for Fit to Bee user.

Vimeo SDK

Vimeo is an architectural style or design philosophy for interacting with online resources like videos using standard HTTP methods, including GET, POST, and PATCH. In order to host fitness training videos of the highest quality, we have integrated Vimeo's API, which supports flexible, high-quality video, privacy controls, flexible storage, and automatic transcoding.

In-App Purchase

In-App purchase offers a consistent and safe experience supported by world-class commerce and payment systems that allow users to manage their subscriptions over time. We have integrated the Google Play Billing Library into our application so that the admin can create plans and offers, as well as upgrade offers, for subscribers. On a monthly and yearly basis, we have created subscription plans and configurations for the same subscription plan.


Biggest Challenge And Our Journey Of Overcoming

It was challenging to implement IAP for cross-platform.

We were not sure what to do when a user purchases a subscription on Android and then logs in on iOS.

There is a 1:1 relationship between the application and Registered Apple/Google Account. Also we weren't quite sure what to do when two application users purchase the subscription from the same account [Registered Google or Apple account].

After investigating the challenge and analyzing each edge case response, our team concluded that the application should restrict the user purchase when their id is already linked with one application account and the subscription is not active. In this case only another user can be linked to this account.

According to our partner's requirement, they needed to add a YouTube player for training program videos however the end-users should never know that the videos they are playing are coming from YouTube. There is a reason for doing so. The videos were created exclusively for the application, and the user shouldn't be able to access their URLs and watch them outside of it. At the same time, we needed to integrate native player functions effectively. So we switched to VIMEO which provided these kinds of abilities.

We see these challenges as a chance for us to become better by documenting the lessons learned in a process of resolving the challenges and incorporating them into future projects.

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Special Moment

Most Special Moment In Our Journey

Having the opportunity to be the 360° Software Development Partner for a unique and meaningful mobile app is truly inspirational. A woman and mindset-focused vision combined with the "Honey Bee" theme turned the creation of Fit to Bee into an exciting bee fly.

To support the healthy mindset-building initiative, Fit to Bee offers daily/weekly fitness challenges. Coach Honey Bee motivates and accompanies users along the way while they complete challenges and help her produce honey.

Millions of women are now able to get in shape and achieve their fitness goals with ease guided by the Honey Bee, represented by a professional personal trainer for women. We're thrilled about this accomplishment, which is the result of many months' hard work by everyone.

Our goal-getters are ready to create another masterpiece to help users get in shape mindfully. Tell us about your unique app concept, and we'll get started.

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